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Shirvan Oil Refinery Factory

Shirvan Oil Refinery Factory

  • Shirvan Oil Refinery, which produces cottonseed oil, operates as part of MKT Production Commercial LLC.
  • The factory is equipped with the latest technology needed for production and refining. 12% -13% of the raw material produced is obtained as refined oil. The factory also produces soapstock, cotton wool and linter from cotton wool.

In 1954

The foundation of the Shirvan Oil-Fat Plant was laid. The company started operating under the name "Oil Plant".

Since 1966

It has been operating under the name of "Oil Extraction" plant.

After 1976

The capacity of the enterprise was gradually increased. As a result, the daily processing of sorghum was increased from 270 tons to 700 tons.

In 1980

An oil hydration plant was established and the plant was renamed the Oil and Fat Combine.

In 1997

As cotton production in the Republic declined in 1997, the profitability of the oil refinery also deteriorated, and in 1997 the enterprise became an open joint-stock company.

In 2006

It was decided to build a new small enterprise on the basis of the plant.

In 2008

An enterprise called "Shirvan Oil-Fat Factory" was launched. During this period, the plant was able to process 120 tons of raw materials per day.

In 2017

As a result of the development of cotton growing in the country, it was decided to expand the capacity of the factory in accordance with the output of cotton. As a result, new technological equipment was installed at the plant and the daily processing of cotton reached 350-400 tons.

In 2019

The Company is conducting all the necessary analyses to ensure that products meet the standards. The factory has a central laboratory equipped with equipment from the United States, Germany, Italy, and Turkey. All products, including raw materials, are analyzed in the laboratory. Here, 800 TS microplate readers from the American company BioTek, Tango from the German company Bruker, SRY-148 from the Italian company VELP Scientifica, Furnaces from the Turkish company Magma Therm and several other measuring devices are used, color, transparency, moisture, sedimentation, etc. are determined. Most of the plant's products are exported to Turkey, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Iran.

Technical indicators of cottonseed oil

Characteristics: Typical Range Method of Analysis
Iodine Value 110 100 – 115 AOCS Cd-1-25 / ISO 3961
Saponification Value (mg KOH/g) 196 189 – 198 AOCS Cd 3b-76 / ISO 3657
Unsaponifiable Matter (%)   1.5 max. ISO 3596-1
Refractive Index (nD50 1.4…) 612 608 – 617 AOCS Cc 7-25 / ISO 6320
Fatty Acid Composition (%)
  • Myristic (C 14:0)
  • Myristic (C 14:0)
  • Myristic (C 14:0)
  • Myristic (C 14:0)
  • 0.5
  • 24.0
  • 0.9
  • 2.5
  • 0.3 – 1.0
  • 22.0 – 27.0
  • 0.8 – 1.0
  • 1.0 – 4.0
AOCS Ch 1-91 / AOCS 2-91 /
  • ISO 5508 / ISO 5509